English Rhine March 2025 site online

Welcome to the RHINE MARCH 2025 / RHEIN MARSCH 2025 site!

We are thrilled to invite you to join us on a unique relay march covering 1331,20 kilometers along the picturesque Rhine River, stretching from Switzerland to the Netherlands. This extraordinary journey is open to everyone – whether you’re an experienced hiker, a novice adventurer, or simply someone who loves the great outdoors.

Picture: British Forces – forces.net

What to Expect:

Unparalleled Scenery: Traverse through stunning landscapes, historic towns, and vibrant cities along the Rhine.

Community Spirit: Meet and march alongside people from diverse backgrounds, fostering friendships and creating unforgettable memories.

Cultural Exploration: Discover the rich cultural heritage and history of the regions along the Rhine.

How to Participate:

Join as an individual or as part of a group – every step counts! Our relay format allows for flexibility, making it possible for participants to join for one or multiple stages.

Stay Connected Follow our journey and get the latest updates on our social media channels. We are excited to share stories, photos, and highlights from the march with our growing community. Let’s embark on this incredible adventure together in 2025 and celebrate the unity and beauty of the Rhine region.


Dear comrades of the British Forces Germany,

We are thrilled to extend an invitation to you to join us for Stage 43 of the Rhein Marsch 2025, leading to the historically significant town of Büderich. This stage offers a unique opportunity to walk in the footsteps of history, as it was here in 1945 that Winston Churchill and Field Marshal Bernhard Montgomery observed the British troops crossing the Rhine.

Details of Stage 43:

Date: Thursday, 12th of June 2025

Starting Point: Wanheimerort

Ending Point: Büderich – Hotel „Wacht am Rhein“

As participants, you will have the chance to honor the bravery and strategic prowess that played a pivotal role in shaping the outcome of World War II. This walk is not just a march but a journey through time, allowing you to connect with the past in a deeply meaningful way. The Rhein Marsch 2025 is an extraordinary event that celebrates camaraderie, history, and the spirit of adventure. Your participation would add immense value to our cause, and we are certain that it will be an unforgettable experience for all involved.